“We grow neither better or worse as we get old, but more like ourselves.”
The Crossroads approach to Aging Life Care:
Our goal is to maximize quality of life and independence as you age. We meet you where you are with a person-centered approach. There are a lot of choices out there and we provide the information and support you need to make the right decisions for your situation.
How We Can Help
When individuals, couples, or families are unclear about what they are dealing with, unsure about their options, or feeling overwhelmed by their situation, we are here to help. Additionally, we can serve as the "eyes and ears" to assist out of town family members coordinate care for their loved ones, and can serve as peace of mind for individuals with few natural supports who want someone to call in times of need.
We start the process with a comprehensive initial assessment, completed in the home, to understand the strengths, needs, and preferences of each client. With this information, we complete a Plan of Care with professional recommendations.
Depending on the needs of the individual, this could be a one-time meeting or could lead to a long-term professional relationship. Crossroads can provide on-going care management, monitoring, assessment, recommendations, guidance, and advocacy, as requested.
What We Can do
Care Management covers a broad spectrum of topics and tasks. Here are some examples of what we can do for you or a loved one:
Discuss housing options
Coordinate medical care, including attending medical appointments, coordinating follow-up care and testing, monitoring health status, and/or communicating with health care providers
Assess home safety and make equipment recommendations
Provide education about dementia and managing challenging behaviors
Collaborate with hospital staff to ensure a safe, smooth discharge
Help decipher insurance policies and Medicare benefits
Serve as Health Care Power of Attorney decision making agent
Serve as court-appointed Professional Guardian
Creative problem solving
Provide information about community resources, how to access them, and monitor outcomes
Communicate with out of town family members and mediate family disputes
Set up caregiver resources and monitor services
Clarify client goals and optimize quality of life
Provide medical, housing, benefits advocacy
Facilitate health care wishes discussions and provide assistance with completing appropriate Advance Directive documents
Serve as Court Visitor